I. INFORMATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH THAT SET FORTH IN Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.
In compliance with that set forth in Article 10 of Law 10 of 34/2002 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (which hereinafter shall be referred to as LSSI-CE), pleased be advised in a clear, precise and unequivocal manner that the recipients of the service as well as the competent bodies, of the following matters as regards the service provider of the information society:
- Name / Corporate Name: Ambifuego Sur SL.
- Activity / Corporate Purpose: Sale of stoves
- Registered Office / Professional Office: Avda. Cañada del Cura, 29. Polígono del Levante. 03187. Los Montesinos – Alicante (Spain).
- Corporate Tax ID No: B30459077
- Telephone: 966 72 10 18 / 966 72 10 01
In compliance of that set forth in Article 5 of Organic Law 5, of 15/1999 December, on Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to by its initials in Spanish LOPD), pleased be advised in a clear, precise and unequivocal manner that the personal information furnished by you via the various forms provided for that purpose on our Website or any other means of collection thereof, as well as that information which are generated during the relationship with our company, shall be processed in the files the responsibility of Ambifuego Sur SL., duly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, for the purpose of the maintenance and performance of the service recipient relationship with our company and the provision of the services derivative therefrom.
Likewise in compliance with that set forth in the aforementioned LOPD and Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (which hereinafter shall be referred to as LSSI-CE), pleased be advised that your information may be used for the purposes of sending commercial communications and courtesy greetings as regards our company via telephone, ordinary mail, fax, email or similar electronic means.
Similarly, pleased be advised that your personal information shall be assigned in all cases whenever necessary for the execution, compliance and control of the service recipient relationship with our organisation or in the cases wherein it is authorised by a regulation having the same legal force as law and in particular, when any one of the following cases arise: a) The processing or assignment which is intended for compliance of a legitimate interest of the data controller or assignee under the aegis of said regulation; b) The processing or assignment of the data is necessary for the person responsible for processing the data to comply with an obligation imposed by said legislation.
Consent to the processing of one’s data for the purposes described in the preceding paragraph shall be understood as rendered by marking the appropriate box provided for that purpose on our website.
The filling in of each and every one of the fields on the forms provided for that purpose on our website is mandatory (otherwise, the fields which are marked with an asterisk are mandatory). The refusal to furnish one’s would entail the impossibility of the maintenance and compliance of the service recipient relationship with our organisation, since said data are necessary for the provision of services derived therefrom.
The service recipient is solely responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the information furnished, acting Ambifuego Sur SL., in good faith as a mere service provider.
In the event that the service recipient furnishes false information or that of third parties without their consent to that end, shall be personally liable to Ambifuego Sur SL., the parties concerned or interested parties, Spanish Protection Agency date and, where appropriate, regional data protection authorities, of the responsibilities arising from said circumstance.
Ambifuego Sur SL., does not compile data from persons under fourteen years of age through its website. In the event that a person under fourteen years of age furnishes his/her data via the forms provided for that purpose in our website or any other media whatsoever for the compilation thereof, shall proceed to the immediate destruction at the very moment of becoming aware or is made of such fact.
For the purposes of compliance to that set forth in Article 4.3 of the LOPD, the service recipient herein undertakes to notify Ambifuego Sur SL., as regards any changes which occur in his/her data, so as to give a true picture and representation of the user’s current situation at any given moment.
Ambifuego Sur SL. hereby undertakes to the compliance of its obligation of secrecy as regards the personal data and its duty to safeguard and store same and shall adopt all technical and organisational measures necessary so as to ensure the security of the personal data and to prevent its alteration, destruction, loss or unauthorised access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which it is exposed, whether through human action or physical or natural influences, implemented in Heading VIII of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, wherein the implementing regulation of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Protection of Personal Data was approved.
In compliance with that set forth in LOPD and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, wherein the implementing Regulations thereof was approved, the service recipient may exercise at any given moment, his/her rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as regards to the data controller or the processing manager, enclosing thereto a photocopy of his/her national identity (DNI) card.
The data controller or person responsible for processing of data is Ambifuego Sur SL., with address for notification purposes at Avda. Cañada del Cura, 29. Polígono del Levante. 03187. Los Montesinos – Alicante (Spain).